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Maharishi Aazaad celebrates 148th birth Anniversary of Dharmaveer Dr. BS Moonje

The Ultimate Megastar of World Maharishi Aazaad

December 12, 2020, is the 148th birthday of Dharmveer Dr. Balakrishna Shivram Moonje, a powerful intense nationalist and true son of Mother Bharati. Celebrating his 148th birthday with great zeal and enthusiasm The ultimate Megastar of World Maharishi Aazaad said in a loud and clear manner at a press conference present on the occasion, that Dr. Moonje is his idol and he has an existential relationship with him. Ramadandee Aazaad received his education from the very famous Bhonsala military school which was established in Nashik by non-other than Dr. Moonje himself. On this occasion, International Brand Ambassador of Sanskrit Maharishi Aazaad recalled some important events of his Ramadandee period and specially mentioned Commandant of Bhonsala Military School, Major Prabhakar Balwant Kulkarni under whose guidance Maharishi Aazaad acquired the knowledge of his thought for lifetime Live for Nation and Die for Nation which is been still followed and kept in practice by the Maharishi Aazaad.

Childhood Picture of Maharishi Aazaad at Bhonsala Military School

Maharishi Aazaad explained the life and times of the legend with ultimate respect and authority. Paying his tribute to Dr. Moonje, ( डॉ. बी. एस. मुंजे ) he said that Dr. Moonje was a great freedom fighter, former president of the Hindu Mahasabha, an important participant in the establishment of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, the political guru of the founder of the Sangh ( RSS ), Dr. Keshav Baliram Hedgewar, and the leader of military education in India. Maharishi Aazaad said that Dr. Moonje Had done selfless service to the country.

Maharishi Aazaad at Bhonsala military school

Military School Student, Maharishi Aazaad is known for his sanatani, nationalist thinking and image. Earlier, through his nationalist classic film Rashtraputra, the first patriotic film based on life and times of greatest revolutionary Chandrashekhar Azad, he filled the trumpet of nationalism and spread Indianisation worldwide in the 72nd Cannes Film Festival. After that, the first mainstream Sanskrit film of world history Aham Brahmasmi had introduced the world audience to Sanskrit and culture of sanatan Bharat. Through the film Aham Brahmasmi, Maharishi Aazaad had spreaded the brahmavakya of vedas to every corner of the World.

Dharmaveer Dr. Balakrishna Shivram Moonje

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